Tuesday 26 June 2012

Is Julia feeling juicy? No, Not yet


These past few weeks I have been really wanting a shift in my food.  I don't know exactly what's been going on but I just feel like my body needed a break from milk, wheat, eggs, dairy.

'As if by magic', I then see a link to a film called Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead by Joe Cross (well I only saw the trailer as it's not available over in the UK, but the trailer sold it to me).

We both looked at it, hubby and me and decided to go for it.

Not exactly like Joe Cross who did a 60 day Juice diet while he went across American (he's an Aussie) Something similar: juicing/smoothing through the day and then having an evening meal which is minimally cooked and with beans/pulses.  Nothing with eyes.

In between if there were any pangs, we'd munch on some carrots/brocolli spears, cucumber etc, or a piece of fruit.  We'd continue to make our own Hummous and use that too as a dip.

This was not about dieting (although it is cutting calories) but about wholesome nurturing and allowing our bodies to rest and make some changes, then we can reintroduce some items and notice any reaction.

We're committed to doing this as a twosome, so after purchasing a juicer, we then bought our stock of fruit and vegetables which, let me tell you, cost aplenty.  We spent around £45 just on fruits and vegetables, nothing else (oh and soya milk for adding to smoothies).  That's our shopping.

It has been 4 days and I have to write that I haven't felt great. On the one hand, I'm not feeling as hungry but I have had a permanent throbbing headache which is making me take the bobble out of my hair (you know that feeling, don't you?)  Hubby has headache too.  Although his is not as bad or persistent.

Now not sure why this is... maybe:

1) My body is ridding itself of toxins that have been causing intollerances
2) I'm eating too much natural fruit sugars which aren't agreeing with me.
3) I'm due for my period.

I really am hoping that it's Number 1 and that after a few more days, the throbbing headaches will go and I'll feel like "I'm on top of the world".

Tomorrow I'm off to a conference so I'm planning to take my stash of stuff for the day and hope I can resist the curly sarnies and tons of biscuits, plus the countless teas and coffees to keep me going through the day.

It's all very well doing this when it's just me and 'him indoors', indoors, but when I have to venture out into the big wide world and meet with other people, this juicing malarky turns into a whole new game.

I'll let you know how it goes.

Much love
Jules xxx


  1. Hope this turns out well for you. How strange, I have been spending a lot of time thinking about how I should change my diet too. Whether that's going vegetarian, adopting a chinese style diet or something else. But as always, your blog post has inspired me! x

  2. There's something to be said for simplifying our food intake - it's so true when they say 'you are what you eat', cheesy but very true. You should watch 'Food Matters" http://www.foodmatters.tv/ very insightful film (they let you watch the first 40 mins for free). It's going to be even more important for you to stay with something that supports your body, especially when you begin to work again (YAY!) Glad this inspired you, I'll let you know how it goes!!! x

  3. Keep up the good work Julia! I hope you start to feel the positive benefits soon (sounds like your body is busy de-toxing, hot lemon water first thing in the morning will help) x

  4. I'm sure I will, thanks so much. Yes hopefully body is detoxing! That's what we have first thing now - hot lemon water. I really look forward to it. Hope all's well with you x


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